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of Round Rock

7 steps to your best retirement life

3 seniors laughing playing cards at a table


You’ve probably read some email subject lines like “Be 10 years younger in two days!” Or “lose 40 pounds by drinking this at bedtime.” 

And if those don’t work, try these seven steps to living your best life after retirement.

It seems like everyone is searching for the best ways to maintain their youth. Thousands of miracle products target aging audiences that promise younger skin, a youthful glow, increased energy, no more wrinkles, and some too controversial to mention. Before you spend any hard-earned cash on these hopeful products, it may be more realistic to consider these seven steps to feel your best every day:  

  1. Get moving – If you aren’t already an active person, get into some low-impact sports or activities that will get you moving. Swimming and biking are great ways to keep your body active and feel more energized. Plus, staying active is great for your overall health and mood. Try some new activities if you can’t think of one that you enjoy already. 
  2. Get a dog – From health benefits to sheer huggability, dogs make great companions, plus they’re your motivation for walking around the block a few times a day. And that’s good for you!
  3. Join a class – You can find excellent adult education classes online and in your community. Take a course that allows you to develop a skill you haven’t been able to or learn something you’ve wanted to have since you were young. Learning a new skill and feeling productive can take years off your spirit and bring back a youthful zest for learning. Have you tried pickleball?
  4. Be social – Socializing is a terrific way to bring back joy and humor and alleviate the stress of age. Join a community theater or choir group, or find local groups that participate in photography, yoga, or writing. Making new friends and sharing interests are great ways to remind your soul and body that age is just a number. But don’t limit your social group to people who are the same age. Younger people can give you a different perspective and introduce new ideas and activities. 
  5. Be picky about the company you keep – No doubt about it, through the course of your professional life, you likely had to deal with customers, co-workers, and maybe employers who were not that fun to be around. That was then. This is now. Retirement is fantastic because now you can choose how to spend your time and with whom. Surround yourself with fun, happy, optimistic people who elevate you and your attitude. Nothing says youth like a positive attitude.
  6. Try not to focus on the negative – Getting older isn’t the easiest thing in life to do. Aging comes with some physical and health challenges that can put a damper on your spirit but do your best not to focus on those. Each day, wake up and think about what you are grateful for and what excites you. Your positive attitude will spread throughout your spirit, revitalizing and recharging you.  Listening to music that elevates your mood (find it on YouTube) really does work. You may even find yourself dancing.
  7. Have fun – To indeed stay youthful and vigorous, you just need to make sure you are having fun and enjoying yourself. If you aren’t a very social person, that’s ok! If you are more introverted, think back to the passions you had when you were younger. Did you want to travel? Did you want to learn as much as you could? Did you have a bucket list that you just started? Everyone will find different activities that motivate, uplift, and inspire them to live life and find their youthful spirits. Do what works for you! 

The bottom line is, don’t waste your money on unrealistic promises. The only way you will defy aging is by truly being engaged in life—don’t let life happen! Make life happen!