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Stay Safe with These Essential Fall Precautions: Falls Can Happen to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

What do Richard Simmons and Bob Saget have in common? The curly-haired fitness advocate and comedian, actor, TV host were both household names and they both died as a result of a fall.

Over 1 in 4 adults over the age of 65 fall every year, resulting in 3 million annual emergency department admissions. Every 11 seconds an older adult is admitted to the ER, and every 19 minutes an older adult dies from a fall.

The reality is that falls can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. Here are some essential fall precautions to help you stay safe and reduce your risk.

Assess Your Health Factors

In order to prevent falls, first you need to evaluate how likely you are to suffer one. Older adults are particularly susceptible due to impaired vision, chronic conditions that affect mobility, weakened muscles or certain medications. If you or a loved one fall into any of these categories, that puts you more at risk for a fall, speak with a care provider to see if they can address any of these conditions to reduce your risk.

Address Your Mobility Concerns

If you or a loved one struggles to move around freely, don’t hesitate to utilize assistive devices. Walkers and canes are affordable solutions to mobility impairment, while shower chairs or bed rails can help you with some of the most routine parts of the day.
Appropriate footwear can be another easy solution to mobility concerns. Buy socks with grip on the bottom or shoes that can be easily slipped on and worn around the house to avoid the possibility of slipping and sliding on hardwood floors.

Accident-Proof Your Home

Accident-proofing is the most easily controllable method of fall prevention. While falls can happen anywhere, they’re most likely to occur where you spend the most time–at home. With that in mind, you can make your home safer by doing the following:

• Clearing clutter on the floor and stairs
• Making sure hallways and stairways are well-lit
• Securing rugs and other floor coverings with non-slip adhesives
• Keeping everyday items in easily accessible places that don’t require much bending or climbing

Ask for Help

You don’t have to tackle fall precautions alone. Numerous professional organizations and experts are ready to provide you with all the additional resources you need. The National Council on Aging and local Area Agencies on Aging, for instance, are great resources for fall prevention.

SYNERGY HomeCare also offers a comprehensive Fall Prevention Guide and can provide a free in-home assessment with a professional caregiver who can come to your home and identify its biggest risks. SYNERGY HomeCare can also provide you with an around-the-clock team of professional caregivers who are trained to provide much-needed respite care when aging-related difficulties arise.


SYNERGY HomeCare offers no obligation home assessments. Find a location near you or contact us.

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