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10 Warning Signs Your Aging Parents Need to Stop Driving

10 Warning Signs Your Aging Parents Need To Stop Driving


Your elderly father runs his car onto a curb and hits a mailbox. You realize it’s a sign he shouldn’t drive anymore. He readily agrees and asks you to sell his car.

It’s not always easy to recognize the time has come for your aging parents to stop driving. And seniors often refuse to give up their keys, even when it’s obvious they should.

It’s important to understand that old age alone is not a reason to stop driving. There are 85-year-olds who do perfectly well on the roads, while some 70-year-olds are no longer capable of driving safely. Age-related changes in hearing and vision, possible side-effects from medications, as well as the decline of cognitive function (the ability to reason) are also factors.

So how can you tell when it’s no longer safe for your parents on the roads? Here are 10 warning signs:

    1. Are there a lot of dents and scratches on the car and/or scrapes on the mailbox or garage?

    2. Have they been in an accident or had frequent close calls?

    3. Have they received multiple traffic tickets or warnings?

    4. Do they get lost going to familiar places?

    5. Do they forget where they are going while on the way?

    6. Do they drive too slowly or fail to maintain a proper distance?

    7. Do they have trouble seeing or following road signs or pavement markings?

    8. Do they have a hard time turning their head to check their mirrors or blind spots?

    9. Do they brake too slowly or confuse their brake and gas pedals?

    10. Do other drivers honk at them or complain about their driving?

Recognizing the time has come for your parents to stop driving is just the beginning. Be on the lookout for our next blog post that covers ways to convince your aging parents it is time to give up their keys.