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Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of Central Illinois - Bloomington/Normal

Flowers For Melvin

   “Kindness Counts” is a campaign we launched this year to highlight how our caregivers have gone above and beyond for their clients. We find so often it’s the little things that make the greatest difference in the lives of those we care for!

   Our very first submission came back in January from one of our Bloomington-Normal Caregivers, Lori. It was a typical winter day for Lori and her client ML. The only thing peculiar about this day was that ML had mentioned that she wished she had something to put on her late husband Melvin’s grave, who’d passed in the fall of 2019.

   Well, Lori, being the attentive caregiver that she was, arrived to her shift with an arrangement of flowers that she’d put together all on her own. To which she said, “[ML] was so over-joyed and emotional, she was crying. . . She wanted me to take her to the cemetery and put it on [his grave].”

   We are so grateful to have Lori on our team, and all of the caregivers who, just like her, listen to the wants and needs of their clients. It’s this level of caring that allows them to ensure that their clients aren’t just living well, but happily, wherever they call home.

   Still, it’s not just about the joy of the client, but what this can do for the caregiver. As for Lori, well she says, “It made me feel so good that I could do this for her, and she was at peace that there was something there for Melvin. . . I felt that I had really done something special and it made me so happy to make her day.”

   It certainly is the little things that go the longest way, and these special moments don’t just make our clients days, or even our caregivers, they make our day! They remind us why we do what we do!

   So, thank you Lori, your Kindness certainly counts!