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Building Family Resources

Building Family Resources

With the holidays just behind us and cold winter weather settling in around the country many of us are finding ourselves with extra time while we stay inside where we can relax in our comfy heated surroundings. Many of us find that this is a perfect opportunity to curl up with a good book, a magazine or maybe even a blog. You might be asking yourself “What kind of place can I find all of this goodness?” Lucky for you SYNERGY HomeCare has a way that you can do all of the above!

It is our goal to start building Family Resources for people who are looking for answers to difficult questions they’re now facing concerning home care. These new resources include our quarterly magazine, two new guides, and some resources available here on our website and in social media.

SYNERGY HomeCare Magazine

You can now download our 2016 Winter issue of the SYNERGY HomeCare Magazine! Our quarterly publication is filled with useful tips and information for families, highlights on things related to SYNERGY HomeCare, and much more.

Our Winter edition includes helpful tips on avoiding the flu this season; learn about both nutritional ways to boost your immune system along with CDC recommendations for vaccines to discuss with your physician.

Our FREE Family Guides

While you are on synergyhomecare.com browse through all of our free booklets and guides that are written for families whose lives are impacted by age or illness. We’re offering two new guides for 2016:

Where Do We Begin? A Guide to Elder Caregiving

SYNERGY HomeCare’s Guide to Elder Caregiving is a great resource for anyone who might be asking themselves “What do I do now?” when you find that a loved one needs daily living assistance that stretches your time budget.

Click Here to Read More >

Senior Scam Alert Guide

Our FREE Senior Scam Alert Guide identifies some of the most common scams that target seniors, along with common warning signs and information to avoid becoming a victim.

Click Here to Read More >

Our Online Family Resources

In addition to some trusted resources, this year we’re building a cache of resources for you and your loved ones to browse through. From books and movies to online videos we’re finding the best materials available to help you find media that speaks to your need. We’ll have links available throughout the website soon that will point you to these resources as we develop them, for now feel free to browse our Media Room for these materials.

What We’re Reading

This monthly segment will focus on book we have found for those of you facing a particular new difficulty that SYNERGY HomeCare specializes in providing care for. As with most things in life, adjustment periods can be made easier by knowing what to expect and seeing what others have done confronted with similar situations. For January we’re focusing on Alzheimer’s & Dementia, we put together a reading list for different age groups to cope with the struggles of a spouse, friend, and even grandparents and their grandkids.

Click Here to Check Out What We’re Reading >

Play it Safe

A guide to identifying the subtle warning signs your aging parent needs help.

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“We need to talk”

A how-to guide on how to handle “the conversation” about your aging parents’ home care needs.

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Alzheimer’s: What is happening to my loved one?

Basic knowledge of this baffling and tragic disease.

Read More >

Social Media & Newsletters

We hope you’re as excited as we are for these new resources. If you have any ideas for topics you would like to see find us on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ and let us know what we should consider adding to our resources for any number of topics that families and caregivers could look to.

Don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter at the bottom of our home page while you’re at it, we’ll send an email right to your inbox so you can stay on top of these great new developments.