senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Our BlogSYNERGY HomeCare
of River Falls

Ask Alicia: A Client’s Honor Flight

Welcome to ‘Ask Alicia,’ a series where I share updates, tips, and resources for our caregiver and respite care community. I’ll cover topics ranging from memory care to in-home services to well-being for caregivers, and more. Feedback is always welcome and I would love to hear what topics you would like more information on so please reach out to me at [email protected] at your convenience.

Contact Information for SYNERGY HomeCare owner, Alicia Harmon

Earlier this month, one of our incredible clients took part in an unforgettable experience and my staff and I were delighted to support him in a small way. That’s why I am taking the opportunity to veer a little bit off from my usual ‘Ask Alicia’ format and instead share with you his story.

On Monday, October 10, our client’s daughter, Kim, had the distinct honor of escorting her 89 year-old father, Ray, to Washington DC on an Honor Flight – Twin Cities.

As Kim shared with us, the Honor Flight program is a nationwide effort to help as many surviving Veterans to visit their memorial in Washington DC before they are no longer able to do so. The Honor Flight Twin Cities will enabled 180 men and women veterans and their guardians from Minnesota to make this very special trip. The veterans had the opportunity to see the WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iwo Jima, Air Force, Navy and Women’s Memorials and the Changing of the Guard at Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, all in one day trip.

Client Ray salutingRay enlisted in the Army National Guard out of Staples, MN when he was 17. Three months later, his Guard unit was called into active duty for the War in Korea. Six weeks later, he shipped out of Seattle and arrived in Korea approximately two weeks later. While in the Army, his primary duties were around securing and maintaining supplies for his unit. He served 23 1/2 months in Korea and was honorably discharged in January 1953.

Our office team helped wish Ray well as he boarded the Honor Flight by participating in a special program called “Mail Call” where family and friends write cards with a short message to the Veteran thanking them for their service and wishing them well as they make this once in a life-time trip. This special card program is a poignant reminder of how important mail service was to our veterans while serving their country.

We were so happy to see Ray get this opportunity and even more delighted to hear that Kim was able to accompany him. Check out THIS VIDEO to see how it all unfolded.

Our SYNERGY HomeCare team is committed to providing exceptional in-home care for Veterans and their families. Our Woodbury, MN and River Falls, WI  locations are contracted with the VA and because of this, we make it easy for Veterans and their families to use their VA benefits to get the in-home support they all deserve.

We’re also proud to partner with the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP), and we’re committed to recruiting, hiring and retaining military spouses. We understand the challenges of frequent relocation, and with home care agencies nationwide, SYNERGY HomeCare is an ideal employer for military spouses. We’re always seeking caregivers who support our mission to bring wholehearted, life-energizing care to as many people as possible–on their own terms, in their own homes.

For more information on services or employment opportunities, please visit this link or reach out to me directly and I would love to help answer any questions you have and provide you with more information. We’ve also published THIS resource as well as THIS guide for your convenience.

Thanks for reading and Ray, thank you and all Veterans everywhere for your service.