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The Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

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Home Care in Bothell, WA

Chia seeds are probably best known for sprouting into soft, grass-like plants on decorative planters. While they can certainly grow into a cute and whimsical houseplant, chia seeds have health benefits that go way beyond the clay planter! In fact, chia seeds are packed with nutrients that can benefit elderly adults and help keep them healthy. Read on for some of the amazing health benefits of these tiny but mighty seeds and some ways to incorporate them into your elderly loved one’s diet. As with any diet change, it’s important for your senior loved one to speak with their primary physician to discuss their specific health needs and how chia seeds could affect them.

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds:

  • They are packed with fiber for healthy digestion and for feeling full. The best part is, you don’t need to eat a lot to get a great amount of fiber. In fact, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds contain 11 grams of fiber!
  • They are a good source of calcium for strong and healthy bones and teeth. Elderly adults who are lactose intolerant but who also need to get more calcium may benefit from incorporating chia seeds into their diet.
  • They have the good kind of fat, in other words, they contain omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for good brain health.
  • They have antioxidants which help to prevent cell damage.

How to Eat Chia Seeds:

Chia seeds are very very tiny, making them easy to incorporate into favorite recipes. They also do not have much of a taste, so they will not even alter the flavor. Here are some ways you can get chia seeds into your healthy diet. 

  • Sprinkle them on your breakfast yogurt or oatmeal.
  • Add them to baked goods like breads and muffins.
  • Blend them into a fruit and yogurt smoothie.
  • Sprinkle them on top of a salad.
  • Make chia pudding by soaking them in water or milk overnight. In the morning it will have the texture of tapioca pudding! Add some honey and fruit and you will have a sweet and nutritious treat.
  • Add them to the breading of your favorite breaded chicken or fish recipe.
  • Sprinkle some on top of sautéed vegetables.

Since chia seeds are so versatile, they can easily be incorporated into your elderly loved one’s diet. Eating chia seeds along with other nutrient-rich foods can help your elderly loved one improve their quality of life, manage chronic illnesses, and even boost their mood.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Bothell, WA, or the surrounding areas, please contact SYNERGY HomeCare of Bellevue at 425-462-5300.