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Elder Care Tips: Helping Seniors Recover from a Rotator Cuff Injury


Elder Care in Mercer Island, WA

Joint injuries are relatively common, particularly among elderly adults who are more prone to falls and other accidents, and whose bodies tend to be more fragile and vulnerable to damage. Among these injuries, tears and other damage to the rotator cuff can be among the most painful and debilitating. The rotator cuff is in the shoulder and can be damaged in many different ways, from something as simple as a slip in the shower to more serious incidents such as falls and auto accidents. These injuries often require surgery, meaning you will need to modify your elder care routine to accommodate your aging loved one’s recovery after this procedure.

Use these tips to help your aging parent through recovering after a rotator cuff injury and surgery:

• Get perspective. You may take your ability to use your shoulder for granted and not think about how often you actually need to use it, or how difficult it would be for you not to be able to use it. Try having your partner tie your arm to your side so that you are unable to move your shoulder and then go about your day doing normal things such as using the restroom, dressing, bathing, making yourself something to eat, putting your shoes on, or taking care of your pets. This will give you an idea of what it will be like for your parent after surgery. Use this to help you come up with modified care tasks to help him get through these challenges.

• Hire help. Recovering from rotator cuff surgery is not only limiting, it is also quite painful, and your aging parent will need support, care, and assistance 24 hours a day for at least a week, and then most of the day for several weeks after. Get in touch with the elder care agency in your area to find out about hiring an elderly health care services provider to give him this type of care.

• Dress carefully. Getting dressed will be one of the greatest challenges your parent faces after rotator cuff surgery. Choose clothing that you, your parent, or his elderly health care services can slip on without your parent having to move his injured arm. This may mean cutting up shirts and dresses to create an open side that permits the sling or brace to remain out of the clothing.

• Bathing effectively. Showering will not be an option for the beginning of the recovery period. Not only will your parent not be able to move his arm properly to shower, but he will not be able to get his sling wet. Instead, encourage proper hygiene through baths and sponge baths. This is another time when an elderly health care services provider can be an extraordinary help, providing dignified, supportive assistance during this process.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Mercer Island, WA, or the surrounding areas, please contact SYNERGY HomeCare of Bellevue at 425-462-5300.