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Mark Piegza of SYNERGY HomeCare: 5 Things You Should Do to Become a Thought Leader in Your Industry

Mark Piegza, Jeanette Cram, also known as the “Cookie Lady and caregiver Julia Marshall

“Be decisive. Trust your gut instincts. We did this when implementing compensation arrangements for our best employees, and it has set us apart from the competition in terms of being a place where the best of the best want to work. Once you make a decision, implement it without delay!”   —Mark Piegza

  1. Challenge convention. You’ll never truly be able to succeed if you find yourself settling for the status quo. Always push yourself and your business to go above and beyond in order to differentiate yourself from the competition. I like to remind myself and my team that there is always room for improvement in this industry.
  2. Be open to new ideas. There is no monopoly on good ideas, especially in the health field. In our business, we have regular dialog with other franchise partners in our franchise system to gauge what they’re doing in their business and how we could possibly work it into ours. We listen to one another’s good ideas, and we implement them.
  3. Surround yourself with good people, even if they are smarter than you! As I previously mentioned, you don’t need to be the smartest person in the room to be successful. On the contrary, having very smart people around you helps not only in terms of idea generation (if you listen), but also in making sure your ideas are implemented.
  4. Be decisive. Trust your gut instincts. We did this when implementing compensation arrangements for our best employees, and it has set us apart from the competition in terms of being a place where the best of the best want to work. Once you make a decision, implement it without delay!

This article was originally published in Authority Magazine on Dec. 19, 2021.