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Encouraging Seniors to go Outside

Mobility and getting outside more often is closely tied to improving senior health, but it’s not quite that easy for seniors who may have trouble getting around. However, home care providers and family members can take steps to encourage their loved ones to get outside even if they are concerned about moving about.

It’s important to start small, experts say. Even something as simple as encouraging seniors to sit by an open window may may inspire them to go outside more often. From there, caregivers and seniors can build up to more strenuous activities, whether it be accompanying them to get the mail or going for a walk around the neighborhood.

There are also certain steps caregivers can take if they have the appropriate setting. For instance, planting a garden or sitting on a patio or deck could be equally beneficial.

The simple act of getting outside offers a variety of benefits, many of which extend beyond physical health. Perhaps most importantly, studies have shown that physical activity and heading outdoors can greatly reduce the symptoms of depression, which is a significant senior health concern. In fact, as many as 5 million adults 65 and older have subsyndromal depression, which falls just below the clinical diagnosis.