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What Care Options Are Available for Dementia Patients?

The various forms of dementia affect each individual in a different way, and some symptoms worsen over time to the point that patients will need round-the-clock assistance. If you have a loved one who is managing symptoms of dementia you’ll need to start looking into available care options. Planning for the future will help greatly to alleviate the added responsibilities on family caregivers, but it is not a decision to take lightly. Below are a list of senior care options that may help you determine the best direction for your family.

Home Care

Many dementia patients particularly during the earlier stages, are better off staying in their home, where they feel safe in a familiar environment. It may be necessary to make some modifications to the home to make it more accessible, such as by installing better lighting and locking up potentially hazardous areas. However, as the symptoms of dementia worsen, it may become necessary to hire a professional caregiver to assist with daily activities such as personal hygiene routines, housekeeping and meal preparation.

Adult Day Centers

Adult day centers present a safe and comfortable environment for your loved ones since they provide engaging activities and care programs which can help to reduce the effects of dementia and allow the patient to continue living as full a life as possible. Many adult day-care centers also provide meals, transportation and other forms of assistance.

Residential Care

Since dementia is a progressive condition, the time will come when the needs of your loved one will become more demanding. At this point, you may want to consider relocation to a specialized care facility. Assisted-living environments are an option for those who are no longer able to look after themselves, and they typically provide a range of recreational facilities as well as round-the-clock care from qualified professionals. For the later stages of dementia, a nursing home presents the highest level of care and constant supervision. Such facilities may also have dedicated dementia care units designed specifically for people with memory problems and other associated symptoms.

SYNERGY HomeCare provides versatile dementia care for all of your family’s needs. Our company employs an exhaustively vetted team of compassionate and experienced professionals who are adept at working with people living with dementia. We can assist with the full range of daily living activities, and our care plans are fully customized and individualized to meet the requirements of each and every one of your loved ones. Feel free to contact us today to discuss your needs.