senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Our BlogSYNERGY HomeCare
of Woodbury

Ask Alicia: What if My Loved One Only Needs Occasional Help?

holiday garland on a red background

Welcome to ‘Ask Alicia,’ a series where I share updates, tips, and resources for our caregiver and respite care community. I’ll cover topics ranging from memory care to in-home services to well-being for caregivers, and more. Feedback is always welcome and I would love to hear what topics you would like more information on so please reach out to me at [email protected] at your convenience. 

Contact Information for SYNERGY HomeCare owner, Alicia Harmon

Earlier this month, a friend of mine reached out with a request: could my team help her dad, who is living by himself, get ready to host their holiday family gathering? My friend and her siblings live out of town and her dad needed a little help cleaning and getting the house prepared for their visit. He even had a few errands to run, like grocery shopping and purchasing gifts.

My friend was concerned because her dad isn’t immobile nor does he need someone to do these things for him. He just needed an extra set of hands to help lighten the load and make some of those tasks a bit more enjoyable to be done not alone.

I was so happy she reached out because requests like these are ones our team can definitely help out with. And so, we got to work, first making sure her dad was comfortable with us being there for him and then getting the things on his to-do list checked off. We even helped to wrap presents and tidy up his holiday decor. It was a great time and I’m glad to know we’ve made a new friend who we’ll be here for in the future if there is ever a need again. 

holiday garland on a red background

Working with a home care provider doesn’t mean going all in right away for everyone – sometimes there is a need for one-time assistance or a few hours here and there for companionship and support. This can be eye-opening for so many people who tend to associate in-home care service with full-time needs for illness, memory care needs, injuries, or even hospice.

One of the things I am most proud of at SYNERGY, is we don’t require a minimum number of hours from any of our clients to take advantage of our services. We’re here for people like my friend who needed us once for a specific set of tasks, just as much as we’re here for folks looking for more full-time support.

I want our existing and future clients to know they can think of us for things like:

  • Encouraging active thinking
  • Encouraging light exercise
  • Running errands like grocery shopping and picking out gifts
  • Friendly and supportive conversation 
  • Homemaker services like light cleaning 
  • Planning and encouraging social activities
  • Transportation

All of these things are often taken care of by the primary caregiver, be it spouse, partner, adult children, neighbor or others. But occasionally, even the caregiver needs support to get it all done and that’s when we are here to help.

What things can my team help you and your loved one with this holiday season? We’re currently accepting new clients for as much time as you need from us. Reach out to me directly today and I’ll help answer any questions you have and make sure you and your loved one are taken care of.

Wishing you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with love, joy, and support.