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Our BlogSYNERGY HomeCare
of Woodbury

Ask Alicia: Care for the Caregiver

Welcome to ‘Ask Alicia,’ a series where I share updates, tips, and resources for our caregiver and respite care community. I’ll cover topics ranging from memory care to in-home services to well-being for caregivers. Feedback is always welcome and I would love to hear what topics you would like more information on so please reach out to me at [email protected] at your convenience. 

Photo of Alicia Harmon, owner, and contact information

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month.  As a caregiving provider and also as a leader of caregivers, I am incredibly empathetic to the toll that caregiving can have on individuals. The amount of energy, time, emotion, and more can lead to a type of exhaustion and even burnout that inspired me to get into this field. I am motivated to help others by providing respite care in service of not only the individuals requiring care but to help offload some of the pressures nearly all caregivers will experience at one time or another.

I’m often asked ‘What is respite care?’ It’s a new term for many but is something nearly all caregivers could benefit from. At SYNERGY HomeCare, we define respite care as relief and support for the caregiver. It is something our team prides itself on providing and we take great care in helping those who reach out to us understand their options and how we can help.

Our Respite Care Resources page provides a few guides to help caregivers help themselves. I contributed to our Family Caregiver Ultimate Guide, which provides suggestions to help combat the emotional, professional, financial, mental, and physical impact caregiving can have. It also includes details to help evaluate when it may be time for you to find caregiving assistance.

Coming to terms with the need for professional caregiving assistance often happens in stages and can be tough to navigate mentally. Here are a few words of encouragement from our team:

  • First, it’s imperative to recognize your feelings and accept the hardships that come from caregiving to be true and valid.
  • Next, accept that you can’t do this alone.
  • Understand that it’s perfectly reasonable to ask for assistance when it’s needed.
  • Finally, be honest with yourself and your loved ones about your emotions.

Respite care can most often be associated with the ‘Sandwich Generation’ – those of us who are caring not only for growing children but also for aging adults. I’ve come to realize as someone who is both entering the Sandwich Generation myself and as a leader in our industry, that I can set attainable goals, including being a great parent to my children, being a great spouse, keeping my career on track, extending my parents’ independence while allowing myself the joy of being their daughter, and finally, to have a balanced life, one where I am happy.

As hard of a choice as it can be to realize I may need help to reach these goals, I know that finding help when and where I need it will be the only way to do so. Making sure I take care of myself will enable me to be a better caretaker for others, this month and every month.

If you or a loved one are in need of caregiving services or respite care, we’re here to help. Reach out to me directly at [email protected] for help in exploring your options.

Thanks for reading,