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Memory loss and vitamins for aging adults

We know that the older a person gets, the higher the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Not only are people living longer on average, but with the baby boomer generation closing in on the 65+ population there is an increase in Dementia and Alzheimer’s diagnosis.  Researchers are working hard to figure out how to affectively treat, and possibly cure these diseases.

To treat a disease like dementia, researchers need to know what causes it. We know that age decreases the functionality of brain cells. Cells just don’t work the same way that they do when we are young. When brain cells are functioning correctly or are damaged, different symptoms start to show. This is when we start seeing memory loss, confusion, aggression, impaired speech and an inability for a person to care for themselves and take care of day-to-day tasks and activities.

People with dementia often lose interest in food and/or have difficulty in eating, swallowing, and even digesting food. Poor eating patterns lead to poor nutrition which isn’t good for any part of the body, including the brain. Nutritional supplements are great for people who suffer from these diseases. Listed below are a few vitamins that can help add nutritional value to patients with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Super Vitamins For Aging Adults

  • B1 – Vitamin B1 may help slow the progression of dementia according to a study done by the University of Michigan Health System. This study was backed up by blind-trials performed on Alzheimer’s patients who were supplemented with Vitamin B1 and showed significant benefits in mental functioning. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests taking at least 50 mg’s daily.
  • E – Vitamin E is an antioxidant supplement. Taking Vitamin E with other antioxidant vitamins can improve oxygen delivery to the brain. Studies have shown that aging adults with high Vitamin E levels have improved brain function. Take 400-800 IU per day to help slow down the progression of Dementia.
  • Phosphatidylserine – Supplements of this naturally occurring compound are found mostly derived from plant sources and bovine brain phospholipids. The University of Michigan reports that plant sources aren’t as effective as bovine forms. It is suggested to take this 3 times a day at 100 mg.
  • B12 and Folic Acid – These are both often deficient in Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients. There is an amino acid that is prevalent in Dementia patients and these two supplements can help lower the levels of this amino acid. Take the recommended dosage of 1,000 mcg of B12 and 400 – 1,000 mcg of Folic Acid per day.
  • Zinc – Zinc can improve memory and cognitive functioning. This supplement is typically deficient in seniors so taking the recommended dose of 30-40 mg a day can drastically improve brain function.

Though there is no actual treatment or cure for Alzheimer’s or Dementia – there is proof that vitamin deficiency can lead to poor health and poor brain functioning. Making sure a dementia patient is eating enough foods to get the vitamins and nutrients they need can be challenging, adding some supplements can help. Always consult with your doctor and make your best efforts to fuel your body with the best foods.


Source: WebMD: