senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

What Are the Best Ways for Your Senior to Avoid Getting Sick This Winter?

Senior Home Care in Larkspur CO

Getting sick in the midst of winter is no fun for anyone, including your senior. And if she’s got big health issues already, she really wants to avoid winter illnesses that can make her feel even more terrible. Following some of these tips, especially bringing in senior home care services, can do so much to make your senior’s life easier and a bit healthier this winter.

Talk with Her Doctor about Possible Precautions

It’s a good idea to check in with your senior’s doctor every few months about what precautions she should be taking in order to avoid getting sick. For winter, your senior might want to consider getting vaccinated against illnesses like the flu and pneumonia. There could be other precautions that your senior should take seriously as well.

Consider More Handwashing and Masks

Handwashing is one of the best ways to avoid illness, because it removes germs before they get a chance to infect your senior. When infection rates for illnesses like the flu and RSV are high, it’s a good idea to bump up your senior’s daily handwashing so that she has less opportunity to get sick. Wearing a mask can also be a good idea, if that is something that your senior is willing to do.

Bump up Her Fruit and Veggie Intake

The absolute best way to get more minerals and vitamins into your senior’s diet is to increase her intake of a variety of vegetables and fruits. What your senior might not be excited about, however, is learning to cook new dishes or adding more preparation tasks to her meal planning. Senior home care professionals can be a huge help with all of this because they can make short work of meal prep for your elderly family member.

Encourage Your Senior to Rest More Often

Rest is always something that is helpful for your aging family member, especially if her health issues can leave her feeling run down and could impact how well her immune system functions. Encouraging her to rest can do a lot to keep your senior feeling her best. If she’s feeling as if there’s too much for her to do in order to rest as much as she really should, hiring home care providers might be a good solution.

Bring in Senior Home Care to Help, Too

Having help from senior home care professionals doesn’t just allow your senior to rest, but they can help her to get companionship without heading out into crowded events. They are also there to help with all of those details like reminding her to wash her hands and helping with meal preparation. When you can’t be there with your senior because you’re ill or otherwise engaged, senior home care can be there for your elderly family member.

Adding some of these steps to your senior’s current routine can help to make a big difference for her in terms of avoiding some of the various illnesses that can be a problem during the winter months.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Larkspur, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Parker. 303-953-9924