senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

What Cognition Aspects Are Affected by Dementia?

The human brain is complicated. There is so much going on between the cells, pathways, and different parts of the brain. With this being said, when someone has cognitive issues related to dementia, there are going to be different cognitive aspects that are affected. Learning what you can about these aspects can help you to better understand all that your elderly loved one is going through with this disease.

Decision Making, Problem Solving, and Reasoning Issues

Three of the things that your elderly loved one is going to have difficulties with if they have dementia is decision making, problem solving, and reasoning. These issues are due to the negative affects that dementia has on the brain. You and caregivers might notice that your elderly loved one has issues with the following:

  • Reasoning during conversations
  • Understanding problems that arise in their life
  • Not being able to make decisions regarding family matters
  • Being unable to pay bills

If you start noticing that these things are going on for your elderly loved one, it is best to help them in any way that you can. This might include having caregivers help out more. It might include being more patient as your elderly loved one tries to figure things out.

Memory Issues

Your elderly loved one is also going to have memory issues if they have dementia. This might start earlier on in the disease. It will get worse as the dementia progresses. Some of the things that you and caregivers might notice your elderly loved one having issues with include the following:

  • Not being able to recall things that happened recently
  • Not remembering facts
  • Not remembering people
  • Not remembering things that happened a few minutes ago
  • Not remembering where they are at

If your elderly loved one’s memory seems to be slipping more and more, have them see their doctor. There might be advice they can give on how to slow the memory loss down.

Judgment Issues

Your elderly loved one might have issues with their judgment, as well. Many people who have dementia will have issues with the following:

  • Not wearing appropriate clothing for the weather
  • Not handling conversations the greatest
  • Giving money away for no reason at all
  • Making large purchases that they don’t need

If these things are happening, be sure that you take the time to get your elderly loved one the appropriate help. This might include someone taking over their finances, helping them to get dressed, or buying groceries for them.


There are different aspects of your elderly loved one’s cognition that are going to be affected if they have dementia. The disease is going to progress. As it does, more aspects of your elderly loved one’s cognition will worsen. It is best to be prepared for these things ahead of time. That way, when they happen, you will know what to do.


If you or an aging loved one is considering caregivers in Castle Pines, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.