senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

How Can Your Senior Run Errands During the Pandemic?

​As the coronavirus pandemic continues, your senior may find more and more situations that require her to go somewhere in person. There are other options in many cases, but your senior needs to be as prepared as possible.

Consider Deliveries and Other Options Whenever Possible

So many different businesses offer either delivery services or curbside pickup. This can be an excellent option for your elderly family member. She can either have her necessary items delivered directly to her home or she can opt to pick them up with no contact at all and without being around a lot of people. If your senior isn’t able to get out easily herself, it might be a good idea for elderly care providers to deliver or pick up items for her.

Use Online Services as Much as Possible

Banks and other service industries are offering online-only options for many different tasks. Whenever possible, it’s a good idea for your elderly family member to use online options. This minimizes her contact with other people and encourages her to remain home as much as possible.

Talk to Her Doctor about Mail Order Prescriptions

Depending on your senior’s health issues, she may be taking more than a couple of prescriptions. Even if she has asked her pharmacy to consolidate those refill dates as much as possible, she may still need to go to the pharmacy more often than she would like. It’s a good idea to talk to her doctor about the possibility of switching her prescriptions to mail order versions. Then her insurance company can mail her the medications, saving her a trip out of the house.

Prepare Properly for In-person Errands if They’re Unavoidable

If your elderly family member does have to go run errands in person, there are some safety precautions she needs to keep in mind. Maintaining social distance is important, as is not touching her face. If she’s able to breathe well through a mask, she should wear a cloth face mask. Carrying disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer with her is also a good idea. As soon as she gets home, your senior should wash her hands.

Your senior’s unique situation is going to be what dictates the solutions that are necessary in order to help her the most. Let her needs guide the different choices and options that you try in order to meet her needs during this difficult time.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Lone Tree, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.