Karen’s mother, Theresa, lived to be 103. Theresa was a woman with a sharp mind who enjoyed baking and spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Unfortunately, as she got older, there were fewer things that Theresa was able to do for herself. She lost the ability to drive when her muscles became too weak to react quickly. She also had difficulty bathing safely on her own as getting in and out of the tub made her worry about falling. Eventually, Karen felt the need to give up her job in favor of being her mom’s full-time caregiver.
Karen’s situation isn’t unusual. And, it may become even more common since statistics show life expectancy has increased for the first time in four years.
Why Life Expectancy is Getting Longer
According to an article posted on WebMD, 2018 was the first year that life expectancy has increased in the last 4 years. One reason, experts say, is that fewer people died from opioid overdoses in 2018 than in the last 28 years. Deaths from 10 of the usual leading causes decreased, too. Fewer people also died from unintentional injuries.
How Longer Life Expectancy Might Affect Families
While people living longer is great news, it can also mean that even more families may find themselves providing care to older adults with serious health problems. That’s because, as age increases, the risk of developing certain diseases also increases.
Caregiving may also last longer than it has in the past. This can mean many years of juggling schedules, planning for future care, and might even mean having the older adult live with the caregiver.
The Role Senior Care Can Play in Balancing Life and Caregiving
There’s no doubt that being a caregiver to an older adult is a lot of work. Some people find themselves feeling overwhelmed. Their lives may lack balance between caregiving, work, and other family members.
One way to regain that balance is by using senior care to assist with the older adult, freeing up some of your time. Senior care providers can assist with nearly anything a family caregiver can do. Senior care providers can spend time with the older adult while you are away at work, spending time with your spouse, or going to a school event with your child. While they are with your aging relative, a senior care provider can do things like cooking meals, doing laundry, and cleaning the house. Senior care can also assist with personal care, such as taking a bath, using the bathroom, dressing, and walking safely about the house.
If you or an aging loved one is considering senior care in Franktown, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.