senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

States Are Changing the Way They Look at Senior Care

Every day, around 10,000 adults in the U.S. Turn 65. This isn’t alarming on its own. When you consider that most 65-year-olds have at least one chronic health condition and some require home care, it’s a little more frightening. Experts fear the nation is heading towards a shortage of caregivers.

States are jumping into action now. Many are looking into the current way senior care is handled in their state. Hawaii was one of the first to enact changes. Now, families who have an elderly parent needing care receive a stipend to help them afford home care or adult day services. This ensures adults don’t have to quit their jobs in order to be family caregivers. That’s just one of the changes out there. Here are others.

Vermont’s Shift Towards Homeowner’s Taking in an Elderly Person in Need

In Vermont, facilities that can handle high-needs seniors are limited or charge too much. To help ease this, the state launched the Adult Family Care program. People open up rooms in their homes and care for the seniors on their own in exchange for a stipend that covers room and board.

Eyes Have to Turn to Home Care

In Illinois, a report came out that despite reimbursement from Medicaid, the state’s nursing homes have a shortage of $649 million each year. It’s forcing these facilities to shut their doors. A plan to increase the minimum wage is only going to add to the issues these facilities are facing. They already have a hard time paying for the number of caregivers required by state laws. The need for trained home care professionals is critical to make up for the shortages.

By 2025, plans are to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour. That could attract people who are interested in providing home care services but worry about the current pay scale.

Other States Are Looking at Raising Pay

As more states look at the pay scales of home care workers, they’re starting to realize the high turnover rates are often due to the low pay. States like Mississippi and Montana have taken steps to increase the pay offered to workers in-home care services. In Arizona and Montana, family caregivers may be eligible to get paid for caring for a parent.

What’s important to remember is that your parents’ needs must come first. If they need senior care services, don’t let fears of affordability keep you from seeking help. If necessary, talk to the state’s Agency on Aging to find out how to afford senior care for your parents. They can point you to programs that can help make home care affordable.


if you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Castle Rock, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.