senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

Aging in Place: What Do Seniors Need to Know?

Home Care in Parker CO

Seniors often decide they want to age in place, but then can find themselves surprised by situations they didn’t expect to encounter. Aging in place is a great way for seniors to maintain their independence, remain where they are comfortable, and stay close to their communities. But there are some changes they may need to consider in order to age in place safely and home care services can make the situation easier.

Safety Considerations

The biggest reason a senior might not be able to age in place has to do with safety concerns. If the home itself isn’t safe or if seniors are having more difficulty with daily tasks than they did in the past, they may have more trouble aging in place. Elder care providers can help seniors to be aware of the safety concerns they need to address and work with them to help them to be safer overall.

Planning for Mobility Challenges

Seniors may have perfect mobility when they first decide to age in place. Changes happen, however, including health changes and balance problems. Making plans now for mobility changes that are likely to happen down the road helps seniors maintain their independence. Home care providers can help with these plans.

Managing Health Conditions at Home

Chronic health conditions are ones that typically aren’t going to go away, even with treatment. Maintaining good health, adhering to treatment plans, and managing symptoms properly can make a big difference for seniors. Understanding how those health issues are likely to change also helps with future planning.

Meeting Nutritional Needs

Nutritional concerns are another potential roadblock for aging in place. Proper nutrition helps seniors to maintain good health and age as healthfully as possible. Dietary restrictions, lack of appetite, and difficulty keeping up with the physical demands of planning meals, shopping, and cooking can all make nutrition more complicated for seniors. Home care providers can help with all of these challenges, making it easier for seniors to age in place and still get their nutritional needs met.

Staying Connected with Others

Social connection is essential for good health. Aging in place allows seniors to remain in their communities, with the neighbors and people they know. Over time, as health problems become more of an issue, seniors may not be able to socialize as much as they did in the past. Aging adults need to prepare now for how they’re going to maintain those connections, like spending time with family and friends, working with home care providers, and other solutions that might be right for their lives.

Planning for Long-term Care Needs

Planning now for the future is so important. As seniors experience bigger changes in their health and support needs, they may need additional help. Home care can make a big difference in the future for aging adults. The assistance they offer can scale to keep meeting needs now and in the future.

Aging in place is something that a lot of seniors want. It’s entirely possible, but it can be a lot easier and safer with the help of home care services along the way.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Parker, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Parker. 303-953-9924