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Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

Six Solutions to Help Seniors Manage Chronic Fatigue

Companion Care at Home in Lone Tree CO

Chronic fatigue dramatically impacts quality of life for anyone who suffers from it, but it can be especially draining for seniors. It affects physical and mental well-being and can exacerbate existing chronic health conditions, too. Seniors must find a way to manage and overcome their issues with fatigue, and sometimes that means relying on solutions like companion care at home.

What Is Chronic Fatigue?

When many people first hear about chronic fatigue, they think about it as being extra tired. But it’s more than that. It’s overwhelming exhaustion that can interfere with a person’s daily life. When seniors are battling chronic fatigue, they may not be able to do the things they need and want to do, which can cause them to enjoy life less. Talking with a doctor is always a good first step, as there may be underlying health issues that can be addressed. But there are other things seniors can try.

Proper Nutrition and Hydration

If seniors aren’t eating well or enough, they may have more trouble managing chronic fatigue. Elder care providers can do a lot to make meal preparation, meal planning, and tasks related to meals and cooking a lot easier. They can also help seniors to adopt a schedule for eating and for hydrating regularly.

Physical Activity

Fatigue can make physical activity more difficult, but for many people being more physically active can do a lot to help improve their overall health. Incorporating gentle exercise, especially after clearing it with a doctor, can boost energy levels. Seniors who exercise more can also experience better quality sleep.

Sleep Hygiene

Oddly enough, people who are battling chronic fatigue can find themselves experiencing sleep issues. Adopting healthier sleep hygiene, like sleeping and waking up at the same times every day and creating a comfortable sleep environment, can go a long way toward improving sleep. Home care providers can help seniors set up a schedule that works for them and stick to it.

Mental Health and Stress Reduction

Chronic fatigue isn’t just about the physical impact, however. It also has a huge effect on mental and emotional well-being. Seniors who are battling chronic fatigue may find it difficult to maintain the relationships that have helped them in the past. That’s where companion care at home can be tremendously helpful. Companion care providers offer friendly encounters and can help seniors to adopt stress-reduction techniques that can relieve their fatigue.

Help with Daily Tasks

Home care services can also offer help with daily tasks that might be difficult for seniors to manage alone. When seniors are battling fatigue, they’re not as able to keep up with household tasks, personal care tasks, and much more. Knowing that they have someone there in their corner can be a huge help.

Personalized Care Plans

Seniors have to have an individualized care plan to support their needs as they battle chronic fatigue. Caregivers are able to monitor how seniors are doing and adjust plans to keep up with changing needs. Having a personalized plan ensures that nothing will be overlooked or forgotten.

Chronic fatigue is a complex situation that isn’t easy to battle alone. With help from companion care at home and family caregivers, seniors are able to take steps to better address the problem and find solutions that work for them.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Lone Tree, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Parker. 303-953-9924