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of South Denver

How to Spot the Signs of Common Eye Disease in Older Adults

​Sometimes, the biggest factor of eye disease is age. There’s nothing your mom or dad does or doesn’t do that increases the risk. Age simply changes how well the eyes work.

Two things help with age-related eye disease. Yearly eye exams diagnose diseases early so that steps can be taken to save the vision. Watching for the common symptoms is the other way to help your mom or dad.

What Are the Most Common Eye Diseases and Their Symptoms?

How do you quickly identify signs of common age-related eye diseases? Knowing the most common eye issues and their symptoms is key. When you’re with your parents, watch for signs and pay attention to things they say about their vision when driving, in dim light, or in bright sunlight.

#1 – Age-Related Macular Degeneration: In the center of the retina is a cluster of nerves known as the macula. They’re responsible for fine details of central vision like reading and recognition. If those nerve cells die off, it leads to blurred central vision, but it doesn’t lead to complete vision loss.

#2 – Cataracts: Cataracts occur when a cloudy film forms over areas of the lens. There are no symptoms at first. Regular eye exams are essential to catch this eye disease early. If they grow and take over a large portion of the lens, vision becomes obstructed.

#3 – Diabetic Retinopathy: People with diabetes are at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. It’s an eye disease where the blood vessels that are connected to the retina stop working correctly. They may leak, which leads to blurred vision, floaters, and blind spots.

#4 – Glaucoma: The fluid within the eye is balanced for a reason. If the pressure is too high, vision loss and blindness are factors. Signs of glaucoma vary depending on the type, and some people experience no symptoms. For those who do, blurry and distorted vision are two of the most common.

What Do You Do if You Suspect Your Parents Are Having Issues?

If you notice your parents are complaining about blurred vision, having a hard time with fine details in print or people’s faces, or complaining about flashes of light or blind spots, call their eye doctor. They should be seen as soon as possible.

Some eye conditions have no cure. Early intervention with treatments like supplements, better control of blood sugar levels, or avoidance of driving at night is important.

With home care aides helping around the house, your parents have someone helping out. Home care aides can remind them to schedule eye exams, take supplements, and drive them when it’s darker outside. Find out more about pricing and schedules by calling an agency.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Elizabeth, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.