senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

Why Does Aging in Place Become So Tough?

​Aging in place is a common goal for older adults. Your senior may have a variety of reasons for wanting to age in place, which can range from not wanting to be a burden for the people that she loves to simply being fiercely independent. No matter what her reasons are, she may find that aging in place is suddenly way more difficult than she anticipated.

Regular Chores Pile Up

There are a lot of chores involved in just going through daily life at home. Dishes need to be washed. Furniture needs to be dusted. Food needs to get cooked. All of these things are tasks that your elderly family member might find more and more difficult to handle on her own over time. That doesn’t mean that these tasks should keep her from aging in place, but they are a factor to consider.

It’s More Difficult to Take Care of Her Home

Maintaining her home, in terms of tasks beyond regular chores, can also be more difficult. In the past, she might have taken care of the garden and perhaps that’s too difficult now. Things like clearing out the gutters might also be too much for her to even manage outsourcing to someone else. Having someone else handling those tasks, even the management of those tasks, is important.

It’s More Difficult to Take Care of Herself

You might be noticing that it’s more difficult for your senior to take care of herself, too. Things that used to be easy for her to manage, like taking a shower on her own, may be a lot more difficult as her health changes. There are definitely things that she can do in order to make these tasks easier and safer, but ultimately having help is going to be a key part of making sure she’s getting what she needs.

It’s Very Difficult to Not Drive Any Longer

Being unable to drive can be a shock to your senior’s system. In the past, she might have been able to go and do whatever she wanted to do at any time. No longer feeling that she has that freedom can be difficult to swallow. That’s why it’s important for you to make sure that your senior knows that she’s got options designed to help her to go where she needs and wants to go.

Over time, you may start to notice that some or all of these come into play for your elderly family member. Having help from elder care providers can be what she needs to make sure that she is still able to age in place according to her plans. Talk to your senior about what she needs and wants.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Castle Pines, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.