senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of South Denver

24-hour Home Care and Diabetes Management

24-Hour Home Care in Sedalia CO

Life with diabetes means that patients need to take a comprehensive approach to wellness. That can be easier for younger people than for aging adults. Other health issues and the challenges of aging can make diabetes management so complicated that seniors just can’t keep up on their own. 24-hour home care is a valuable tool that helps diabetic aging adults stay on top of their overall health.

Balanced, Diabetic-friendly Meals

One big key to controlling diabetes is for seniors to eat a healthy and balanced diet. When seniors aren’t able to stay on top of everything involved in meal preparation, however, they may start to rely on less healthy meal solutions. Eating a lot of fast food or prepared foods that are high in sugar or salt can negatively impact blood sugar levels, making diabetes much harder to control.

Support with Movement and Mobility

Exercise and becoming more physically active are common recommendations for diabetic adults for a reason. Movement helps to keep blood sugar regulated while also boosting overall health and well-being. Home care providers who are there with seniors around the clock are able to help them remember to incorporate movement into their daily routines.


Socialization and companionship are crucial to overall health. Often seniors are spending way too much time alone, either because of mobility issues or because they have started to isolate themselves. When caregivers are there around the clock, seniors can get as much companionship as they need and want while also getting hands-on help.

Errands Assistance

Any health issue means that seniors need to pick up prescriptions, shop for healthy foods, and run other essential errands. But issues like health complications and the inability to continue driving might keep seniors from tackling errands as often or as well as they need to. 24-hour home care providers can offer safe transportation to seniors while also helping them to accomplish the errands they need to run.

Help with Personal Care

Maintaining self- care and personal hygiene are essential for seniors with diabetes. These tasks help with overall health and go a long way toward preventing possible complications. Caregivers who are there around the clock are able to help seniors to manage personal care tasks like bathing, changing clothes, medication management, and skin care.

Watching for Signs of Complications

Complications are the biggest issue for diabetic seniors. Ignoring signs of complications can lead to serious consequences like neuropathy, out-of-control blood sugar levels, and even amputation. Family caregivers who don’t live near their diabetic aging adults experience a lot of peace of mind knowing that the people they love have reliable help there with them.

24-hour home care offers a comprehensive and compassionate way for families to make sure that their diabetic seniors have the care they need. Caregivers offer tons of different types of assistance that help aging adults to properly keep their blood sugar levels where they need to be. Staying as healthy as possible means having the right help available around the clock and making healthy choices.

If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in Sedalia, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Parker. 303-953-9924