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Six Ways Senior Home Care Helps Seniors Avoid Frailty

Senior Home Care in Franktown CO

Maintaining independence and vitality are two massive goals that seniors often share. Achieving these goals often means avoiding frailty, a condition in which seniors often become weaker and more susceptible to injury and illness. But is frailty something that seniors can avoid? With the help of senior home care and support from family members, seniors may be able to do quite a lot to avoid becoming frail.

Unique Care Plans

Home care providers are able to help family caregivers and seniors work together to come up with care plans that are tailored to the senior’s needs. These plans take into account recommendations from doctors, preferences, medical histories, mobility limitations, and more. Addressing specific areas of concern and putting plans in place to accommodate those concerns helps seniors to have the support they need to remain healthy.

Mobility Assistance When Needed

Mobility limitations are a common issue for seniors. If these limitations are addressed properly, they don’t have to have a profoundly negative impact on daily life. Senior home care providers can help with tasks like walking, transferring, and using mobility tools like wheelchairs, canes, and walkers. By getting the help they need, seniors can actually stay stronger much longer.

Help with Nutrition

Nutritional support is a key component of avoiding frailty. Often seniors don’t eat well when they’re left to their own devices about nutrition. It’s important for seniors to have assistance available to ensure that they’re eating meals and snacks that offer a big nutritional boost and that also meet their needs in other ways.

Fall Prevention Strategies

Seniors who fall once are twice as likely to fall a second time and they’re likely to experience significant injuries that can be life-changing, too. This contributes directly to seniors making decisions that can lead to frailty, which can be avoided. A strong fall prevention strategy looks at what might contribute to a fall and correcting those potential issues before they occur. Home care providers can help a great deal with putting fall prevention plans in place.

Social Connections

Humans are social beings and seniors often get less social interaction than they need. Senior home care providers can be there to support seniors on a practical level, but they’re also there offering friendly companionship that makes a difference. These social connections help seniors to remember that they matter and that they belong.

Cognitive Stimulation

Cognitive decline is another factor in frailty and it’s something that home care providers can help seniors to mitigate. Keeping the brain active and engaged with something as simple as games, puzzles, memory exercises, and conversations are all powerful tools. Caregivers who are there with seniors every day can use a combination of these techniques and keep seniors cognitively stimulated consistently.

Senior home care offers a variety of different types of assistance that keeps seniors strong and helps to ward off frailty. Getting the compassionate support that they need helps aging adults to have the tools to keep living their best lives, even as they continue to grow older.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Franktown, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Parker. 303-953-9924