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Find Out How Personal Care at Home Makes It Easier to Go to Work

Personal Care at Home in Elizabeth CO

AARP reports that around half of all family caregivers also hold jobs. On average, family caregivers work around 35.8 hours a week, with 61% of these caregivers working full time.

Giving up a job when you get retirement benefits, insurance coverage, and a salary is tough to give up. Despite this, some caregivers feel pressured into quitting their jobs for a variety of reasons. The top four reasons are:

  • Not enough hours in the day to balance work with care
  • Lack of flexible work hours
  • Qualified for retirement
  • Didn’t have paid time off

Before you quit, it’s time to look at the benefits of personal care at home. You can have it all. Keep your job without ignoring your parents’ need for help. Here’s how care aides can help.

Caregivers Help With Transportation

Every time your mom has an appointment with her physical therapist, you have to take time off to drive her. You ran out of personal days months ago. Each visit requires you to take time off work without pay. It’s impacting your household finances.

Hire personal care at home aides on appointment days. A caregiver can help your mom get ready for her appointment, drive her to it, and drive her back home.

Caregivers Offer Medication Reminders

Personal Care at Home in Elizabeth CO
Personal Care at Home in Elizabeth CO

Throughout the day, you have to monitor the time. You have alarms set on your phone. When an alarm goes off, you have to call your mom and dad. They need to take their pills while you’re on the phone with them. All of these calls are eating into your daily schedule.

When you arrange personal care at home, caregivers take over the medication reminders. You go to the office and focus only on your job. It’s easier to get your work completed on time.

Caregivers Prepare Meals

When there’s an after-work function, you’re never able to go. By the time you get home, it’s already 6 p.m., and your mom and dad are extremely hungry. It’s been manageable up until now, but your dad has diabetes. He needs to regulate his meals and snacks to stabilize his sugar levels.

Instead of rushing to get home and get dinner ready, let caregivers prepare his meals. You’ll be able to attend work gatherings and have the chance to network. Networking can be key to higher-paying jobs and promotions.

Quitting your job or reducing hours isn’t always the best solution to an aging parent’s need for care. Talk to a specialist about personal care at home. You’ll have caregivers helping out when you need to go to work. You can help your parents with their care needs when you’re back home. It reduces your stress without risking your mom and dad’s safety.


If you or an aging loved one is considering personal care at home in Elizabeth, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY Home Care of Parker. 303-953-9924