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Five Ways to Help Your Parent Enjoy Reading Again

One of life’s nicest enjoyments can be sitting down with a good book and spending the day in another time, place or even universe as you read an author’s story. You can also read to learn and discover new facts about history or maybe how to improve your tomato plants next spring. For many aging parents, who grew up without so many screens feeding them information, they have always enjoyed reading as a hobby. Unfortunately age often brings vision problems and reading can become more of a task or burden than a joy. If your parent would like to be able to read more for pleasure, there are several things you can help him take care of to ensure he is set up for success and enjoyment.

Check Your Parent’s Prescription

A year or two can go by quickly and the next thing you know, your parent hasn’t had his vision checked in quite some time. Either you or your home care provider can help your parent set up an appointment with his optometrist for a vision check to make sure the strength of his glasses is exactly what it should be. If he doesn’t have bifocals yet, you might discover adding bifocals to his lenses will drastically improve his ability to see the fine print.

Purchase Large Print Books

Many books come in larger print so that your parent won’t have to strain so much to see what he’s reading. If your local library is open, your home care provider can help your parent reserve some large print books to pick up and bring home to try out. This way you can test out if this helps your parent before investing in a lot of large print books.

Improve Lighting

A dimly lit room can cause your parent to strain his eyes too much to be able to read for any length of time. It can cause eye fatigue and headaches. Find out where your parent likes to get comfortable to enjoy a good book and then make sure there is adjustable lighting nearby for him to make the area as bright as he needs it to read.

Invest in Audio Books

If your parent is finding it’s difficult to physically read despite having adequate lighting, good eyeglass prescription and large print books, you might see if he will like listening to audio books. Many books have been recorded by professional readers for your parent to listen along. Some even hire professional actors to read the books or incorporate numerous readers for various characters of the books. It can be a great way to enjoy a story when out walking or taking the bus to an appointment.

Have Someone Read to Your Parent

It may seem old-fashioned, but there’s something especially sweet and bonding with reading a book to an elderly person. If you or another family member is unavailable to do this service at this time, consider having a home care provider sit with your parent and read to him. It will provide him some company along with the pleasurable diversion of a well-written story.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Parker, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.