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How to Help Seniors with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions in old age, and it can be very difficult to overcome. Elderly adults who are used to living on their own in their homes suddenly find themselves dependent on family caregivers and senior care providers for help. While not every elderly person experiences significant hearing loss, the condition is so prevalent that it’s affecting millions across the country.

What Causes Hearing Loss in Seniors?

Over a lifetime, the nerves in the ear canal become damaged. This is especially true for those who worked in large and noisy environments. Other causes include frequent ear infections, injuries and side effects of medication. These conditions damage the nerves inside the ear canal and interfere with the signals that are sent to the brain for interpreting. When the nerves don’t work well, it can lead to mild, moderate or significant hearing loss. Once damaged, these nerves don’t regenerate, so they leave the elderly adult with diminished hearing.

Symptoms and Signs of Hearing Loss

Family caregivers and senior care providers may think that it’s easy to spot the signs of hearing loss in seniors. They might mistakenly think that one day the aging adult will simply not hear one day. However, the signs are much more gradual and are often confused with other symptoms of health issues that are common in the elderly.

Some of the early stage symptoms for hearing loss in seniors include:

  • Withdraw from conversations
  • Reduction in socializing in groups
  • Ask others to repeat themselves
  • Seem to ignore instructions
  • Easily distracted
  • Setting the volume high on the TV or radio

Learning what to look for can help family caregivers and senior care providers get the aging adult into the doctor sooner. Once the doctors and the specialists can do some tests and conduct an examination, they may work together to find solutions. Of course, an audiologist will be a part of the medical support team, working with the elderly adult and their family members.

Usually, there’s no reason to wait for treatments, and the entire team will discuss solutions that can be done right away. The sooner family caregivers and senior care providers notice the warning signs of hearing loss in aging adults, the sooner treatments can begin.

Treating Hearing Loss in Aging Adults

Just because an aging adult is diagnosed with hearing loss doesn’t mean they are doomed to a life of silence or muffled sounds. Doctors can do all kinds of things to help, including medicine, surgery and hearing aids. Working with an audiologist can help elderly adults find the right mix of treatments to maximize their abilities. With support from family caregivers and senior care providers, aging adults with hearing loss can tackle anything that comes their way.

if you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Franktown, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.