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Five Tips for Helping Your Senior Eat Healthier

Eating healthy can be a challenge for older adults. Sometimes it might feel like too much of a hassle to keep up with, which is why help from you makes the process so much easier.

Talk to Her Doctor about Nutritional Needs

One of the first steps you might want to take is to talk to your elderly family member’s doctor about what she should be getting in terms of nutrients. There might be certain foods that she should avoid because of her health concerns. Likewise, you need to know which foods might have the best benefits for her.

Choose Colorful, Nutrient-dense Foods

A good rule of thumb is that colorful fruits and vegetables have a wide range of vitamins and minerals in them. They also tend to have plenty of nutrients for her body to use. If your elderly family member hasn’t been a fan of fresh produce in the past, look for some recipes that give her flavors she enjoys.

Avoid Going Overboard with Iffy Ingredients

Some of the “bad” ingredients that your elderly family member might enjoy don’t necessarily have to go away completely. Sweets, candy, and other treats can still be a part of your senior’s diet, but maybe not as often as she’s liked to eat them in the past.

Rethink Healthy Fats

Lots of people avoid fats in their diet because they worry that fat is bad for them. But healthy fats, like the ones found in fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna can be very good for your senior. Nut butters, nuts, and avocados can also be really good choices for healthy fats. Your senior’s brain needs healthy fats in order to function, so find ways to add them to her daily diet.

Try Smaller, More Frequent Meals

If your elderly family member struggles with getting enough food into her, she might want to consider eating smaller meals more often throughout the day. This can take some of the pressure off that a full plate can put on her. She can also eat a bigger variety of foods that way.

Some of these changes might be difficult for your senior to make on her own. Elderly care providers can take over meal preparation and ensuring that your aging adult has meals when she should. That frees your senior up to enjoy her life and to benefit from the changes in her new way of eating.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Highlands Ranch, CO, please contact the caring staff at SYNERGY HomeCare today at 303-953-9924.