senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Our BlogSYNERGY HomeCare
of San Mateo

Combat Muscle Loss Over Age 50

I recently had the opportunity to visit with Holly Roser, Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist, and she demonstrated all the creative ways in which she works with seniors – in person, or virtually.  For virtual visits, she even recommends specific equipment they can acquire to make the most of the virtual visits.  She is very knowledgeable about what may need more attention in our seniors as well.  I was very impressed – Holly is obviously a professional with a passion for finding a way to make fitness an ongoing part of everyone’s life.

Holly shared some information that is important to pass along!

To combat muscle loss over age 50, strength training is the key component to strengthen bones, improve flexibility, improve heart health, relieve stress, heighten endorphins, and lose weight.

Many of us get used to a sedentary lifestyle where we spend our days sitting for long hours, passing the time reading and watching tv. It’s good to have time where we enjoy retirement, but balance that time with activity. Fitness is supposed to be fun, not a chore. Training one on one with a trainer will help you improve balance, increase flexibility, get stronger overall and feel better in general.

The best way to find time to workout is to create the time in your schedule. Pencil it in your calendar every day for at least 20 minutes a day. Going on a walk, lifting weights, dancing, or going on your eliptical will pay off quickly if you’re consistent.

And here is some info on Holly and her team at her studio:

Holly Roser is passionate about motivating and encouraging others to break free from unhealthy habits. Her goal is to give her clients the tools to love themself, once and for all! With over 15 years as a certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist in San Francisco and NYC, Holly has helped thousands of clients lose weight and tone their bodies. Holly stresses the importance of exercise for all stages of life but especially for seniors as regular exercise can help make you stronger, prevent bone loss, improve balance and coordination, improve your memory, reduce the symptoms of many chronic conditions, and boost your mood.

Strength training specifically has proven to slow down degenerative bone loss and has been linked to a lower risk of developing osteoporosis.

Join Holly and her team for the ultimate class experience either by Zoom or they are also available for in-home training as all of our staff has been vaccinated.

300 N. San Mateo Drive Suite 4, San Mateo, CA 94401