Family Members Can Help Loved Ones Recover from Heart Attacks

Heart In Hands

For older adults, a heart attack can serve as a serious wake up call to make healthy lifestyle changes. Though it can be difficult for family caregivers to help their loved ones change a lifetime of bad habits, there are some steps they can take to guide their elderly relatives toward living a more heart-healthy lifestyle.

It’s important to maintain a stress-free atmosphere in the aftermath of a heart attack, but family caregivers should still encourage their loved ones to follow the recommendations from doctors. This includes exercising regularly, which will help build up strength in the heart and lungs. A good way for family caregivers to motivate their senior relative is to exercise along with them.

Dietary changes are also an important part of preventing a second heart attack, and most doctors recommend eating more low-fat foods than before. Enlisting the help of home care providers who are skilled at meal preparation is good start. They can help craft heart-healthy foods that will adhere to the new diet.

Above all else, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude and atmosphere. An optimistic outlook will help encourage seniors to follow the steps recommended from their doctor, while also keeping stress levels low.