Many Doctors Accepting New Medicare Patients

For patients who have Medicare, it’s becoming easier to find health care providers and senior care services that can offer help they need. More doctors are accepting Medicare patients compared to years past, the Department of Health and Human Services reported. 

One reason Medicare wasn’t as largely accepted was because of the payment caps and instability of a reimbursement system. The study also found that doctors accepting new Medicare patients are greater than the number of physicians who are accepting private insurance patients. 

There are about 1.25 million doctors accepting new Medicare patients. The ability to access care for those on Medicare as well as access to seeing a doctor in a timely manner is high and has remained stable in the last five years. 

Although the number of doctors who opted out of Medicare increased from 2009 to 2012, there was still a rise in how many were accepting new Medicare patients. Many of the doctors who were reportedly opting out of Medicare were also choosing not to accept other types of insurance as well.