13 Ways to be a Great Family Caregiver

Being a caregiver for your loved one can be extremely rewarding. At SYNERGY HomeCare, we work with many family caregivers like you, so we know the happiness you feel when the person in your care has a good day. We also know the fulfillment that comes from helping another person. As you look after your family member, you may look for ways to grow in your role as a family caregiver. While keeping in mind that no one can do everything perfectly all the time, we know that you put your best foot forward when you wear your caregiving hat. These 13 attributes of great family caregivers will give you goals to work toward in 2013.

Great Family Caregivers are:

    1. Organized. With your loved one’s medical records, doctor information, and appointment schedules plus your own commitments, you need to have all your ducks in a row. Great family caregivers have all the essential information on-hand.
    2. Health-minded. Great family caregivers know that health and well being are tied to proper nutrition and exercise. While keeping your loved one’s dietary and activity needs and limitations in mind, you can encourage a healthy diet and exercise regimen.
    3. Planners. Thinking ahead is important, especially when you are responsible for your own life as well as your children and other people in your care. Great family caregivers plan ahead to make daily life go more smoothly.
    4. Optimistic. Studies show that being positive helps people cope with stress, have stronger immune systems, and even extend their life span. From a family caregiver standpoint, your positive attitude can lift the mood of your loved one.
    5. Clean. Keeping up with housekeeping and your loved one’s hygiene will help decrease the chance of becoming sick. Great family caregivers wipe down doorknobs, appliance handles and other places where germs may collect.
    6. Knowledgeable. The more you know, the more you can help prevent accidents or relapses. Great family caregivers are subject matter experts when it comes to their loved one’s condition.
    7. Social. Interacting with others is a great way to prevent feelings of depression and isolation for yourself and your loved one. Great family caregivers are involved in community groups, visit neighbors, and invite friends over.
    8. Communicative. Sharing information with family members, friends and healthcare professionals can go a long way toward getting respite for yourself and promoting your loved one’s well being. When great family caregivers notice something irregular with their loved one’s behavior, they know that another person may be able to help.
    9. Well-rested. The more we find out about sleep, the more we know that a full night’s worth helps people lose weight, de-stress and improve well being. When a loved one has Alzheimer’s or another condition that requires round-the-clock supervision, getting enough sleep is an issue. SYNERGY HomeCare caregivers can be there for your loved one while you get some rest.
    10. Motivators. When your loved one is recovering from an injury or surgery, they can become frustrated with slow progression. Great family caregivers remind their loved ones how far they have come and encourage them to keep going.
    11. Problem solvers. When complications arise with their loved ones, great family caregivers know how to deal with the issue at hand, or who to call for help.
    12. Compassionate. Being compassionate comes with the territory of being a great family caregiver. Thank you for providing attentive, compassionate care to your loved one.
    13. Resourceful. When they need help, great family caregivers don’t hesitate to ask for it. Knowing your respite options and having someone to contact can make family caregiving much easier. SYNERGY HomeCare is happy to be a resource for many family caregivers.

Being a great family caregiver doesn’t mean that you need to do everything on your own. SYNERGY HomeCare can provide the respite care and assistance you need to keep being a great family caregiver. If you find that you need help, please consider SYNERGY HomeCare your care resource.