senior man in wheelchair enjoying listening to music as he looks at his smartphone
Knowledge CenterSYNERGY HomeCare
of Somerton

How seniors can age in the home they love–theirs!

female caregiver helping senior man out of bed

Maintaining independence later in life is often a great self-esteem booster that promotes a sense of self-worth, well-being and achievement – which are all incredibly valuable for aging adults who feel as if they have very little control of life changes that come with age.

Many seniors don’t require assistance and can maintain independence for many years. However, some older adults do struggle with physical and mental limitations that may hinder the ability to safely perform daily tasks like personal hygiene, grocery shopping and getting to doctor appointments. When these situations arise, family members become concerned and want to provide help for their loved ones but realize that many options are going to take away the sense of independence and freedom that their loved ones value.

8 reasons seniors should remain living in their own homes

But they still need help!
What exactly does “aging in place” mean? Simply said, it is living in your beloved home as long as possible. In-home care is designed to help people do exactly that.

What are seniors up against? According to a new Harvard study, it suggests “that two-thirds of Americans over age 65 need help doing one or more everyday activities such as eating, bathing, and getting in and out of bed or a chair.”

More and more seniors are relying on in-home assistance for support while focusing on aging in place. The incredible surge of medical devices, telehealth options, advancement in technology, and assistance provided by home care services has given older adults a new level of support that they desire. And the more that we understand how much assistance the over 65 population needs, more help can become available.

Remaining independent with home care services
As new research has provided information about how to help seniors enhance their quality of life, home care services have grown to provide assistance that supports senior needs. For example, home care providers understand how important independence is for senior well-being. Home care assistance provides a range of services that help seniors not only maintain independence but also enhance it. Here’s how:

  • Mobility – Perhaps an aged adult has trouble getting to and from the grocery store, the doctor’s office, or church – in-home care assistance can provide transportation so that seniors can get to where they need to go.
  • Loneliness/Companionship – Aging adults often feel depressed and isolated due to limited social activity. Since COVID-19, this has become an increasingly bigger concern for senior health care providers. Home care services offer companionship that seniors may not otherwise get to enjoy and benefit from.
  • Grocery Shopping/Cooking – Home care providers are available for meal planning, prepping and cooking. Many seniors miss out on dietary needs that can enhance physical and mental health because of challenges with grocery shopping and cooking. Home care can help put dietary concerns at the forefront of daily living.
  • Personal Hygiene – Seniors who suffer from severe physical health issues often feel very discouraged and depressed about the limited tasks they can perform to care for themselves. This might include bathing, dressing and even brushing their own teeth. Assistance with personal hygiene may not take away the depression that comes with losing physical capabilities, which is why home care providers are trained to help seniors feel more encouraged and motivated, cared for and valued.

Senior home care is absolutely the best option to help aging adults feel independent and free while still receiving the support that they need. The best thing about home care is that it is flexible to meet the needs of each individual depending on the type of help that they need and how often. It is the perfect personalized support for any senior.